
This project is maintained by agonbina

vue-fire (0.1.0)

Sync a $data path of a Vue.js view model with a Firebase reference.


First add it as a dependency:

npm install --save vue-fire
// Plugin

var Vue = require('vue');
var vueFire = require('vue-fire');

Vue.use(vueFire, { app: 'your-firebase-app' });

// Mixin

var firebaseMixin = require('vue-fire').mixin;

var app = new Vue({

  mixins: [ firebaseMixin ],

  template: '<ul>' +
              '<li v-repeat="people">{{name}} : {{age}}</li>' +

  firebase: function(root) {
    var peopleRef = root.child('people').orderBy('age').limitToLast(3);

    return {
      arrays: [ peopleRef ],
      values: [

  ready: function() {
    // this.$firebase has been created, you can attach more stuff to the view model
    var isOnline = this.$firebase.setValue('user/presence', 'isOnline');
    isOnline.on('value:error', function(err) { })



This mixin sets a $firebase property on the view model, which has the following API:

API for vm.$firebase

.setValue(firebaseLocation|String, [ keyPath|String ])

Creates a new keypath in the view model with the firebaseLocation reference key or keyPath(if specified) and listens on the 'value' event to update the view model value as it changes in the firebaseLocation.


  // Binds to the 'vm.isOnline' keypath
  vm.$firebase.setValue('user/presence', 'isOnline')

  // Binds to the 'vm.title' keypath

.setValue returns a FirebaseValue instance.

.setArray([ firebaseLocation|String, setter|Function OR keyPath|String ])

Creates an array with the reference key in $data and attaches listeners on the Firebase list events(child_added, child_removed, child_moved, child_changed). Examples:

You can pass just the Firebase location:

  vm.$firebase.setArray('group/123/members'); // vm.members will be synced with this Firebase location
  vm.$firebase.setArray('players'); // vm.players will be synced with this Firebase location

You can also pass an optional keyPath:

  vm.$firebase.setArray('group/123/members', 'firebaseMembers'); // vm.firebaseMembers is now synced with the 'group/123/members' location

If you need access to the view model to construct a Firebase reference or query you can pass in a function:

    vm.$firebase.setArray(function(root) {
      var groupId =;

      // root === new Firebase('')
      // this === vm

      return root.child('group').child(groupId).child('members').orderByChild('name');
    // vm.members will be synced with the returned Firebase Query

    // You can also pass a custom keyPath
    vm.$firebase.setArray(function(root) { return someReference }, 'myKey')

.setArray returns a FirebaseArray instance.


Returns a FirebaseValue or FirebaseArray.

From the usage example above:

  // Values

  // Arrays

The returned object is also an Event Emitter and has the following API:

.on(event|String, callback|Function)

If its a FirebaseValue instance, you can listen on the 'value' event if you need to get a hold of the raw snapshot, or the 'value:error' event which fires when there is an error in the syncing from Firebase.

  var isOnline = vm.$firebase.get('isOnline')

  isOnline.on('value', function(snapshot) { })
  isOnline.on('value:error', function(error) { })

If its a FirebaseArray instance, you can listen on the same events as you would on a Firebase list reference: 'child_added', 'child_moved', 'child_changed', 'child_removed'

  var members = vm.$firebase.get('members'); // Assuming 'members' was created using .setArray

  members.on('child_added', function($id, $prevChildId) { })
  members.on('child_moved', function($id, $prevChildId) { })
  members.on('child_changed', function($id) { })
  members.on('child_removed', function($id) { })

  // Each one of these events can throw errors which you can listen to by adding ':error' to the eventName:
  members.on('child_removed:error', function(error) { })

Same as .on, but triggers only one time.

.off([event|String, callback|Function ])

Stop listening for an event which you previously subscribed to, or all of them when you don't pass any argument to .off


Returns the raw Firebase reference object.

.remove([ removeLocal|Boolean ])

Removes the Firebase listeners, so the value stored in $data is no longer updated. If removeLocal is set to true, it completely $deletes the keypath from the view model.